The October 2017 Issue

Computer Communication Review (CCR) continues to promote reproducible research by encouraging the submission of papers providing artifacts (software, datasets, . . . ). As in the previous issue, all the accepted technical papers have released their artifacts. These artifacts will help other researchers to improve the results published in CCR by easily comparing their new ideas with those described in the related work.

As announced in the last issue, the CCR Online website, https://ccronline. has been enhanced with a Community Comments section to encourage interactions between readers and authors. Several submitted articles have been posted in this section and I encourage you to look at them and provide constructive comments to their authors. Providing open and constructive comments is a nice way to be involved in the SIGCOMM community.

Three technical papers were accepted from the open call. In Measuring YouTube Content Delivery over IPv6 Vaibhav Bajpai et al. report on large scale measurements that compared the performance of Youtube over IPv4 and IPv6. As IPv6 gets widely deployed, it is interesting to study whether the two network stacks provide similar performance. They release both the measurement software and the collected dataset.

In Inside the Walled Garden: Deconstructing Facebook’s Free Basics Program, Rijurekha Sen et al. study the operation of Facebook’s recent Free Basics program in Pakistan and South Africa. Their software and measurement dataset will probably serve as a baseline for researchers who will explore the evolution of similar programs in the future. These artifacts have been significantly improved by the authors based on interactions with reviewers.

In Dissecting Last-mile Latency Characteristics Vaibhav Bajpai et al. use measurements on two different platforms to analyse the factors that influence the performance of access networks. They release both measurement scripts and datasets.

Two editorial papers report on recent workshops. In The 9th Workshop on Active Internet Measurements (AIMS-9) Re- port, kc Claffy and David Clark summarise the AIMS-9 workshop that was held in March 2017 at CAIDA. In Report on Net- working and Programming Languages 2017, Nikolaj Bjorner et al. summarise the SIGCOMM’17 NetPL workshop.

In addition to the papers accepted from the open call, this issue also contains the best papers from the SIGCOMM’17 workshops:

I hope that you will enjoy reading this new issue and welcome comments and suggestions on CCR Online or by email at ccr-editor at

Olivier Bonaventure

CCR Editor


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