Nikolaj Bjorne, Marco Canini, Nik Sultana
The third workshop on Networking and Programming Languages, NetPL 2017, was held in conjunction with SIGCOMM 2017. The workshop series attracts invited speakers from academia and industry and a selection of contributed abstracts for short presentations. NetPL brings together researchers from the networking community and researchers from the programming languages and verification communities. The workshop series is a timely forum for exciting trends, technological and scientific advances in the intersection of these communities.
We describe some of the highlights from the invited talks through the lens of three trends: Advances in network machine architectures, network programming abstractions, and network verification.
NetPL included five invited speakers, four from academia, and one from industry. The program contained six contributed papers out of eight submitted for presentation. The workshop organizers reviewed the abstracts for quality and scope. A total of 42 registrations were received and the attendance occupied the lecture room to the brink.
Slides and abstracts from all talks are available from the workshop home page: Videos of the presentations are available in the NetPL YouTube channel: