Gigabit broadband measurement workshop report

Steve Bauer, David Clark, William Lehr


On July 24-25, 2018, MIT hosted an invitation-only work- shop for network researchers from academia, industry, and the policy community engaged in the design and operation of test schemes to measure broadband access, in order to address the measurement challenges associated with high- speed (gigabit) broadband Internet access services. The focus of the workshop was on assessing the current state-of-the- art in gigabit broadband measurement tools and practices, the technical and policy challenges that arise, and possible strategies for addressing these challenges. A goal of this ini- tial workshop was to provide a level-setting and networking opportunity among representatives of many of the leading research and operational efforts within academia, industry, and the government to collect, analyze, and make use of broadband and Internet performance measurement data and in the design of the measurement methods and tools.

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