Tag Archives: technical

Fast In-kernel Traffic Sketching in eBPF

Sebastiano Miano, Xiaoqi Chen, Ran Ben Basat, Gianni Antichi


The extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) is an infrastructure that allows to dynamically load and run micro-programs directly in the Linux kernel without recompiling it. In this work, we study how to develop high-performance network measurements in eBPF. We take sketches as case-study, given their ability to support a wide-range of tasks while providing low-memory footprint and accuracy guarantees. We implemented NitroSketch, the state-of-the-art sketch for user-space networking and show that best practices in user-space networking cannot be directly applied to eBPF, because of its different performance characteristics. By applying our lesson learned we improve its performance by 40% compared to a naive implementation.

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Topology and Geometry of the Third-Party Domains Ecosystem: Measurement and Applications

Costas Iordanou, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos


Over the years, web content has evolved from simple text and static images hosted on a single server to a complex, interactive and multimedia-rich content hosted on different servers. As a result, a modern website during its loading time fetches content not only from its owner’s domain but also from a range of third-party domains providing additional functionalities and services. Here, we infer the network of the third-party domains by observing the domains’ interactions within users’ browsers from all over the globe. We find that this network possesses structural properties commonly found in complex networks, such as power-law degree distribution, strong clustering, and small-world property. These properties imply that a hyperbolic geometry underlies the ecosystem’s topology. We use statistical inference methods to find the domains’ coordinates in this geometry, which abstract how popular and similar the domains are. The hyperbolic map we obtain is meaningful, revealing the large-scale organization of the ecosystem. Furthermore, we show that it possesses predictive power, providing us the likelihood that third-party domains are co-hosted; belong to the same legal entity; or merge under the same entity in the future in terms of company acquisition. We also find that complementarity instead of similarity is the dominant force driving future domains’ merging. These results provide a new perspective on understanding the ecosystem’s organization and performing related inferences and predictions.

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LGC-ShQ: Datacenter Congestion Control with Queueless Load-based ECN Marking

Kristjon Ciko, Peyman Teymoori, Michael Welzl


We present LGC-ShQ, a new ECN-based congestion control mechanism for datacenters. LGC-ShQ relies on ECN feedback from a Shadow Queue, and it uses ECN not only to decrease the rate, but it also increases the rate in relation to this signal. Real-life tests in a Linux testbed show that LGC-ShQ keeps the real queue at low levels while achieving good link utilization and fairness.

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The Packet Number Space Debate in Multipath QUIC

Quentin De Coninck


With a standardization process that attracted much interest, QUIC can be seen as the next general-purpose transport protocol. Still, it does not provide true multipath support yet, missing some use cases that Multipath TCP addresses. To fill that gap, the IETF recently adopted a Multipath proposal merging several proposed designs. While it focuses on its core components, there still remains one major design issue: the amount of packet number spaces that should be used. This paper provides experimental results with two different Multipath QUIC implementations based on NS3 simulations to understand the impact of using one packet number space per path or a single packet number space for the whole connection. Our results show that using one packet number space per path makes Multipath QUIC more resilient to the receiver’s heuristics to acknowledge packets and detect duplicates.

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Measuring DNS over TCP in the Era of Increasing DNS Response Sizes: A View from the Edge

Mike Kosek, Trinh Viet Doan, Simon Huber, Vaibhav Bajpai


The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most crucial parts of the Internet. Although the original standard defined the usage of DNS over UDP (DoUDP) as well as DNS over TCP (DoTCP), UDP has become the predominant protocol used in the DNS. With the introduction of new Resource Records (RRs), the sizes of DNS responses have increased considerably. Since this can lead to truncation or IP fragmentation, the fallback to DoTCP as required by the standard ensures successful DNS responses by overcoming the size limitations of DoUDP. However, the effects of the usage of DoTCP by stub resolvers are not extensively studied to this date. We close this gap by presenting a view at DoTCP from the Edge, issuing 12.1M DNS requests from 2,500 probes toward Public as well as Probe DNS recursive resolvers. In our measurement study, we observe that DoTCP is generally slower than DoUDP, where the relative increase in Response Time is less than 37% for most resolvers. While optimizations to DoTCP can be leveraged to further reduce the response times, we show that support on Public resolvers is still missing, hence leaving room for optimizations in the future. Moreover, we also find that Public resolvers generally have comparable reliability for DoTCP and DoUDP. However, Probe resolvers show a significantly different behavior: DoTCP queries targeting Probe resolvers fail in 3 out of 4 cases, and, therefore, do not comply with the standard. This problem will only aggravate in the future: As DNS response sizes will continue to grow, the need for DoTCP will solidify.

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Programming Socket-Independent Network Functions with Nethuns

Nicola Bonelli, Fabio Del Vigna, Alessandra Fais, Giuseppe Lettieri, Gregorio Procissi


Software data planes running on commodity servers are very popular in real deployments. However, to attain top class performance, the software approach requires the adoption of accelerated network I/O frameworks, each of them characterized by its own programming model and API. As a result, network applications are often closely tied to the underlying technology, with obvious issues of portability over different systems. This is especially true in cloud scenarios where different I/O frameworks could be installed depending on the configuration of the physical servers in the infrastructure. The nethuns library proposes a unified programming abstraction to access and manage network operations over different I/O frameworks. The library is freely available to the community under the BSD license and currently supports AF_XDP and netmap for fast packet handling along with the classic AF_PACKET and the pcap library. Network applications based on nethuns need only to be re-compiled to run over a different network API. The experiments prove that the overhead introduced by nethuns is negligible, hence making it a convenient programming platform that eases the coding process while guaranteeing high performance and portability. As proofs of concept, a handy traffic generator as well as the popular Open vSwitch application have been successfully ported and tested over nethuns.

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Hyper-Specific Prefixes: Gotta Enjoy the Little Things in Interdomain Routing

Khwaja Zubair Sediqi, Lars Prehn, Oliver Gasser


Autonomous Systems (ASes) exchange reachability information between each other using BGP—the de-facto standard inter-AS routing protocol. While IPv4 (IPv6) routes more specific than /24 (/48) are commonly filtered (and hence not propagated), route collectors still observe many of them. In this work, we take a closer look at those hyper-specific prefixes (HSPs). In particular, we analyze their prevalence, use cases, and whether operators use them intentionally or accidentally. While their total number increases over time, most HSPs can only be seen by route collector peers. Nonetheless, some HSPs can be seen constantly throughout an entire year and propagate widely. We find that most HSPs represent (internal) routes to peering infrastructure or are related to address block relocations or blackholing. While hundreds of operators intentionally add HSPs to well-known routing databases, we observe that many HSPs are possibly accidentally leaked routes.

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One Bad Apple Can Spoil Your IPv6 Privacy

Said Jawad Saidi, Oliver Gasser, Georgios Smaragdakis


IPv6 is being more and more adopted, in part to facilitate the millions of smart devices that have already been installed at home. Unfortunately, we find that the privacy of a substantial fraction of end-users is still at risk, despite the efforts by ISPs and electronic vendors to improve end-user security, e.g., by adopting prefix rotation and IPv6 privacy extensions. By analyzing passive data from a large ISP, we find that around 19% of end-users’ privacy can be at risk. When we investigate the root causes, we notice that a single device at home that encodes its MAC address into the IPv6 address can be utilized as a tracking identifier for the entire end-user prefix—even if other devices use IPv6 privacy extensions. Our results show that IoT devices contribute the most to this privacy leakage and, to a lesser extent, personal computers and mobile devices. To our surprise, some of the most popular IoT manufacturers have not yet adopted privacy extensions that could otherwise mitigate this privacy risk. Finally, we show that third-party providers, e.g., hypergiants, can track up to 17% of subscriber lines in our study.

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Data-Plane Security Applications in Adversarial Settings

Liang Wang, Prateek Mittal, Jennifer Rexford


High-speed programmable switches have emerged as a promising building block for developing performant data-plane applications. In this paper, we argue that the resource constraints and programming model in hardware switches have led to developers adopting problematic design patterns, whose security implications are not widely understood. We bridge the gap by identifying the major challenges and common design pitfalls in switch-based applications in adversarial settings. Examining five recently-proposed switch-based security applications, we find that adversaries can exploit these design pitfalls to completely bypass the protection these applications were designed to provide, or disrupt system operations by introducing collateral damage.

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Towards client-side active measurements without application control

Palak Goenka, Kyriakos Zarifis, Arpit Gupta, Matt Calder


Monitoring performance and availability are critical to operating successful content distribution networks. Internet measurements provide the data needed for traffic engineering, alerting, and network diagnostics. While there are significant benefits to performing end-user active measurements, these capabilities are limited to a small number of content providers with application control. In this work, we present a solution to the long-standing problem of issuing active measurements from clients without requiring application control, e.g., injecting JavaScript to the content served. Our approach uses server-side programmable features of the Network Error Logging specification that allow a CDN to induce a browser connection to an HTTPS server of the CDN’s choosing without application control.

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