Technical papers
- Recursive SDN for Carrier Networks,
J. McCauley, Z. Liu, A. Panda, T. Koponen, B. Raghavan, J. Rexford, S. Shenker - Measuring the Quality of Experience of Web users, E. Bocchi, L. De Cicco , D. Rossi.
- Latency Measurement as a Virtualized Network Function using Metherxis, D. Rossi Mafioletti , A. Bartholomeu Liberatto , R. da Silva Villaça, C. Klippel Dominicini, M. Martinello, M. Renato Nunes Ribeiro
- CliMB: Enabling Network Function Composition with Click Middleboxes, R. Laufer, M. Gallo, D. Perino, A. Nandugudi
- The 8th Workshop on Active Internet Measurements (AIMS-8) Report, kc Claffy
- “Resource Pooling” for Wireless Networks: Solutions for the Developing World, J. Qadir, A. Sathiaseelan, L. Wang, J. Crowcroft
- Report from the 6th PhD School on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA), I. Drago, F. Ricciato, R. Sadre